Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Massage increases emotional and physical health

As mammals we crave touch.  Through infant massage we strengthen the bond with our babies that will have a life long impact.  

Physical Benefits for the baby:
Massage has benefits for everyone, and especially for infants. Touch is one of the first sensations babies are aware of, so it is valuable for helping babies physically, mentally, and in many more ways. There are numerous medical studies and scientific research proving that massage has a great impact on all babies and children. Massage is more than just a way to relax. It can greatly influence the way babies' brains and bodies develop. Studies show that there are relationships between touch and intelligence, so the more skin-to-skin touch a baby receives in its first year of life can impact the way their brain works and develops for the rest of their life.

  • Strengthens digestive system
  • Improves immune system
  • Develops and improves muscle tone
  • Helps develop coordination
Mental Benefits for the Baby:
  • Increases sense of being loved
  • Developps trust
  • Increases self esteem
  • Enhances relaxation and releases stress
  • Creates awareness of self and surroundings
Medical Benefits for Baby:
  • Improves respiration
  • Helps relieve colic
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Reduces discomfort from gas, constipation, congestion, teething, and more.

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