Basic Information on Infant Massage Instruction

Touch is the first sense babies develop in utero and is baby’s first language, making it the perfect way to tell them they are loved. Infant massage is a wonderful experience for both you and your baby. The four session course is designed specifically to teach parents easy-to-learn techniques that support the bonding and attachment process and help with relaxation and communication in the early months. It is also an excellent tool in helping preterm and special needs babies thrive and grow. Massage strokes are demonstrated on a doll (or my own baby) while the parent practices the moves directly on his or her baby. Group and private classes are available.
Other benefits for Parent and Baby include:


    *    Helps parents learn about their baby

    *    Promotes verbal and non-verbal communication

    *    Makes baby feel loved

    *    Uses all senses

    *    Helps build parents’ and babies’ self-esteem


    *    Reduces gas and colic

    *    Helps with constipation and digestive cramps

    *    Helps with growing pains and teething discomfort

    *    Improves skin conditions


    *    Promotes better sleep patterns

    *    Reduces stress levels

    *    Improves muscle tone and flexibility

    *   Helps regulate behavioral states

    *    Relaxes parents


    *    Enhances muscular development and tone

    *    Promotes growth

    *    Sensory stimulation and integration

    *    Facilitates mind and body awareness

    *    Boosts circulatory, digestive, hormonal, immune, and nervous systems

    *   Stimulates oxytocin (which can act as natural pain reliever and has calming effects)

 Contact me today to schedule a course for you and your infant up to 12 months of age!!

For more information in Infant Massage Benefits:

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