Friday, April 26, 2013

Question: Why should I take a class when I can learn infant massage from youtube?

I am the first person who would agree that you can learn a lot from YouTube.  I learned how to crochet and I learned how to disconnect my dishwasher by watching online videos, but when it came to learning how to massage my babies correctly I didn't learn anything. Here are just a few reasons why:
1.  Response to massage will be based on the infant's behavioral state at the time it is introduced--the video below does not talk about behavior all states at all.
2.  Massage should be individualized based on baby's needs, health and other considerations--a parent needs a trained guide to show them what those are, NOT going to get that from YouTube.
3.  The strokes are very specific and were developed from extensive research, a trained guide will show parents how to do the strokes correctly.  The women on the YouTube video below is not doing strokes correctly and even if she was she won't be able to tell you how to correctly do the strokes if you were doing them wrong.

But don't just take my word for it, this is what my trainer, Linda Storm, CEIM, IAIMT, Executive Director of Infant Massage USA, has to say:
Infant Massage is much more than strokes, in a class you have someone helping to make sure that you are doing the strokes correctly, with the appropriate pressure. The CEIMs supports you with your baby to  make sure your baby is in the right state or may suggest a different position.  With infant massage there is a lot of information provided regarding benefits, staying in touch with your baby as they grow, different adaptations, rhymes and games to incorporate. Each week new information is introduced and discussed. It is a wonderful setting to meet other new moms and to share your experiences. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baby Poem

Benefits to Parents!

  • They feel more comfortable and confident in their parenting skills.
  • They are more aware and responsive to their baby’s cues.
  • They feel a closer to their baby and have a stronger bond.
  • Massaging their baby helps them relax and ease their stress.
  • Parent enjoy getting to know other new parents.

Benefits for baby!

  • Stimulating -  all the systems of the body for healthy growth and development.
  • Relaxing – hormones released from touching help your baby relax and possibly sleep better.
  • Relief – touch can help reduce pain.  Tummy strokes can help relieve discomfort from gas, colic and constipation.
  • Bonding – the touch and loving interaction promotes bonding.  Your baby will grow to trust you and have a  secure attachment.